Cute 14 years old girl has psychotherapy session with her therapist via video call. She has rubber band on her wrist to prevent anxiety.

Internal Family Systems (IFS)
People seek out IFS sessions for help with many different things:
Grief/Loss, Depression, Anxiety, Self Esteem, Understanding events they have experienced, Developing coping skills, Decision making.

IFS practitioners can help people become acquainted with their Inner Thoughts…
This allows them to understand the parts of themselves which affect feelings and emotions they experience; and responses, behaviors, and life choices they make in their lives.  Vary brings a unique approach to IFS: Her years of nursing experience give her an extensive understanding of the body’s physical workings which she is able to draw in and apply when appropriate.

“What is IFS anyway?” asked the person searching for help understanding their feelings.
“I’m glad you asked,” replied Vary Fischer. “Let me tell you…”  Learn more

*Vary is an RN. She is educated in the IFS model and is a Level 2 Trained IFS Practitioner. She is not a therapist. Learn more here.


What My Clients are Saying

Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet consectetur consectetur pretium urna nibh augue etiam risus accumsan volutpat urna, eu semper enim, est aliquam laoreet urna fringilla.
Olivia Holmes
In eget scelerisque nulla sociis turpis blandit enim tempor nec ipsum vel ut diam quis convallis fames semper amet, lectus volutpat morbi amet nisl hac sit etiam ante pulvinar aliquet elementum morbi.
Roberto Lopez
Ullamcorper enim at amet eget faucibus morbi ornare feugiat posuere blandit donec sit quis lectus eget faucibus scelerisque cras duis.
Julia Moore
Dignissim suspendisse donec in non in proin dolor massa cursus ac aliquet platea at aenean malesuada mauris amet ullamcorper sit amet elementum gravida quisque.
Maria Anna